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Mushroom & Brazil Nut Pate 93

I used the original recipe from Mouthwatering Vegan’s “Festive Pecan Cognac Pate” and changed the ingredients. It was really good and tasted similar to what I remember pate tasting like. Mushroom & Brazil Nut Pate Ingredients 100 grams of brazil nuts (either ground in a nut grinder or just in a food processor) 10 Swiss brown mushrooms, chopped 2- 3 garlic cloves 2-3 sprigs of fresh flat leaf parsley 1 fresh sage leaf (optional) 1 tbsp vegan butter or margarine salt to taste (don’t omit this please) 2 slices of fresh breadcrumbs 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp cognac (I used sherry) Pinch of black pepper Method Place the mushrooms, nuts, garlic and parsley in a food blender and process until very fine (it will take a minute or so, so use your plastic spatula every few seconds to scrape off any excess on the sides of the bowl, and reprocess). Add a tablespoon on water if mixture is too sticky. Now add the vegan butter, bread, olive oil and salt, and process for a further minute. At this point add the remaining ingredients and process again for another minute. Note: You can fry up the butter, garlic and mushrooms in a pan beforehand if you prefer the taste of cooked mushrooms. #howto #presentation #graphicinspired🍭