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Hair Salon Price List 🍮

We are pleased to present the Hair Salon Price List, an extremely versatile free Google Docs template that comes with the license for free use. Beauty salons that offer haircut services can earn significantly more. But the lack of a printed price list often discourages customers from asking about prices. That’s where the hair salon price list free Google Docs template comes in handy. It allows customers to easily see the services offered and the corresponding prices, helping to avoid confusion and promote transparency. This template is particularly useful for new salon owners who may not have the time or experience to develop their own price list. The modern design of the price list template complements the text content perfectly. And also attracting attention without distracting from the important information. A thin white frame, various patterns, and a darker shaded image of a girl adorn the delicate peach background. The combination of black and red makes the template name stand out. The main part of the template features a list divided into women’s and men’s haircuts. The left side lists the services, and the right side displays their corresponding prices. The hair salon price list is a valuable tool for creating a high-quality and informative price list for your salon. It is highly customizable and offers a wide range of editing options. You can incorporate a new font or a picture of a happy client into the background, adjust prices, add new cells, or use the template as is. To save time when making modifications, we recommend using the Google Docs online editor. Moreover, the gdoc.io website offers a vast selection of templates in the price lists and packing slips categories. #design #webshop #brandingagency 💫