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A Fun Find and a Simple Bingo Project… 23 .

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you might know that I love vintage Bingo goodies! I have found that wood cassette and disc racks are perfect for storage in my studio… So…when I found this CD/DVD rack at the thrift store last week… I knew it would go home with me. The numbers are fun… So I decided to give it a simple little makeover. A coat of gray paint for the exterior gave it a nice look and I wanted to decorate the front a little, too. I went onto the PicMonkey website and used their design feature to make a pattern… it’s my go-to site for making easy graphics. I used a simple transfer technique ~ rubbing the back of the paper with a soft pencil, then tracing over the letters on the front to transfer the pattern… I used a permanent marker to color in the letters in a rustic fashion, and added a whimsical dot to the “I”…a bingo call number! I love how it looks with colorful bingo cards… Fun, isn’t it? These racks are so great for organizing so many different things! This post contains affiliate links for PicMonkey All opinions are my own. I am joining~ Vintage Inspiration Party What’s It Wednesday Until next time… #graphic #eyeondesign #creative🎨